Spool is joining Facebook

We started Spool to make content easy to consume on a mobile device. To accomplish this, we built some very sophisticated technology and developed a deep expertise in mobile software development. We firmly believe that solving these problems will be increasingly important as the world accesses the Internet primarily through mobile devices.

We are proud to announce that today we will be pursuing our vision as a part of Facebook. If you were a Spool user, please read the instructions on retaining your bookmarks.

We are extremely excited to accelerate our vision and help Facebook’s users connect and share with the people in their lives. We wouldn’t be in a position to have this sort of impact without our supporters and the Spool community. Please accept a heartfelt thank you for supporting us and for affording us this opportunity.

The Spool team

Spool has shut down – stay tuned for more

Thank you for using Spool and providing feedback during our beta period. It’s been a pleasure to build Spool for you and we’ve been flattered with the overwhelmingly positive feedback we’ve received. However, after careful consideration, we’ve decided to pursue our vision in a new way. If you were a Spool user, we’ve provided instructions on how to use your bookmarks in another service.

We’ll let you know of our post-Spool plans as soon as we have something to announce. Stay tuned!

Fake S3 – Save time, money, and develop offline

Saving Time and Money with Fake S3

Amazon S3 is a extremely powerful service at the core of Amazon Web Services. However, outside of a production environment, S3 can be challenging to work with. It involves passing keys around, provisioning user accounts, and a reliable network connection — not to mention it costs money.

At Spool, we built Fake S3 to make working with S3 in development and testing environments much easier. Our goal was to make a self contained executable that can mimic the majority of S3 Rest API with few external dependencies.

For development, each engineer runs her own instance of Fake S3 where she can put gigabytes of images and video to develop and test against, and her setup will work offline because it is all local. We also have a continuous integration setup that is running tests 24/7 (often against large video files). Fake S3 saves us $1000 a month in bandwidth alone for our tests. In both development and testing, the time saved in not waiting for assets to go back and forth into AWS, especially our larger media files, makes Fake S3 very useful.

We’re releasing Fake S3 as a gem on github. It’s an early release and we’ll keep improving it. If you have ideas or issues, please contribute to the project!


gem install fakes3


fakes3 -r ~/fakes3_root -p 10001

Example Client Code

require 'rubygems'
require 'aws/s3'

include AWS::S3
AWS::S3::Base.establish_connection!(:access_key_id => "123",
                                    :secret_access_key => "abc",
                                    :server => "localhost",
                                    :port => "10001")


('a'..'z').each do |filename|
  S3Object.store(filename, 'Hello World', 'mystuff')

bucket = Bucket.find('mystuff')
bucket.objects.each do |s3_obj|
  puts "#{s3_obj.key}:#{s3_obj.value}"

Bucket.delete("mystuff",:force => true) # Delete your bucket and all its keys

In general clients can work if you can specify a host and port to connect them, as well as forcing path style requests (instead of subdomains.) Subdomain style S3 requests can work, but it involves adding your bucket names into /etc/hosts (ie. s3.localhost or mybucket.localhost) or using dnsmasq if you have a large number of buckets.

Simulating Network Conditions

Another useful feature is the support for simulating network conditions. You can run fakes3 with bandwidth limiting enabled like so:

fakes3 -r ~/fakes3_root -p 10001 --limit=50K

This will limit your GET request bandwidth to 50K/s per request instead of instantly off of your local machine. This is very convenient, for example, to simulate how mobile devices would behave in the real world.

Related Tools

Fake S3 is great for development and testing due to its simplicity, but is not intended to replace S3 in production. If you want to replace S3, there are other tools such as Ceph, ParkPlace (supports bitorrent), Boardwalk (S3 interface in front of MongoDB), and RiakCS that you can check out.

Spool Raises $1 million in financing

Dear Spool Users,

We’re very proud to announce that we’ve raised $1 million in outside financing for Spool. Our complete list of investors is below.

Though we’ve only been in private beta for 3 months, we’ve seen tremendous growth and received an overwhelmingly positive response. We have raised money to continue building a product our users love and are humbly looking forward to the opportunity to do so. We’ll be investing heavily in improving SpoolBot, polishing our mobile and browser applications, making the product easier to use for new users, and making it easier to share content with your close friends.

In the mold of great businesses we admire, our goal is to efficiently use our outside investment to improve the lives of millions of users. To this end, we have selected investors who have experience investing in the highest growth technology companies (Google, Twitter, Facebook, and more), who have themselves founded or built world changing companies (YouTube, Palantir,  LinkedIn, and more), and entrepreneurs who have relevant experience outside of technology companies as well.

We have some big things in store for Spool and are looking forward to sharing them with you. As always, we’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback — please don’t hesitate to email us at feedback@getspool.com.

-The Spool Team

Our Investors

  • SVAngel
  • Felicis Ventures
  • Start Fund
  • Charles River Ventures
  • Vivi Nevo
  • Steve Chen
  • Elad Gil
  • Deep Nishar
  • Kevin Donahue
  • Joe Lonsdale
  • Bill Lohse
  • David King
  • Nils Johnson
  • Matt Ocko
  • Raymond Tonsing

SpoolBot is at Inbox Zero!

We’ve launched an update to SpoolBot that allows it to better understand emails with links and attachments intended for your Spool account. As a result, SpoolBot went back and re-processed emails that it didn’t handle properly the first time through, so you may notice some new recordings in your account.

In case you’re wondering how to save to Spool via email, read this post

As always, if you have any questions, please email us at support@spoolbot.com